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Mancozeb 75% WP

DOSAGE – 600-800gm/ acre

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Indofil M-45 is a contact fungicide that is used to control fungal growth and the spread of diseases in crops. It is effective against diseases caused by all four major classes of plant pathogens and is suitable for use on a wide range of crops, including field crops, fruits, and vegetables. The active ingredient in Indofil M-45 is mancozeb, which is a member of the di-thiocarbamate group of fungicides. It works by reducing the activity of enzymes in fungi, which leads to a reduction in energy production and ultimately results in the death of the fungus. Indofil M-45 is widely used and is considered a cost-effective option for disease control. It is also environmentally safe, as it quickly degrades in soil and water and has no leaching potential. It is applied through foliar sprays, seed treatment, and nursery drenching, and can be used to control diseases such as septoria leaf spot, botrytis fruit rot, early blight, late blight, sigatoka, alternaria, dieback, leaf spots, downy mildew, anthracnose, rusts, and tikka disease. The recommended dosage is 600-800 gm per acre.

MODE OF ACTION – M-45 is a broad-spectrum fungicide with protective action. The product is fungitoxic when exposed to air. It is converted to an isothiocyanate, which inactivates the sulphahydral groups in enzymes of fungi. The metals are exchanged between mancozeb and enzymes of fungi, thus causing disturbance in fungal enzyme functioning.

INSECTS/ DISEASES – Septoria Leaf spot, Botrytis fruit rot, Fruit rot, Early blight, Late blight, Sigatoka, Anthracnose, Alternaria, Dieback, Leaf spots, Downy mildew, Anthracnose, Brown and Black Rust, Tikka Disease

Technical content

Mancozeb 75% WP

DOSAGE – 600-800gm/ acre

Additional information

  • 100g
  • 250g
  • 500g
  • 1kg


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